We Say Yes

  "This experience changed me forever. I know that I will never look at Mother Earth, my relationships, or myself, the same way - ever again. I am already more conscious of everything around me..." - Kim B., business woman, Toronto, Canada

"How do I capture in words what this Training has meant to me? Every moment and sacred breath of my life from now on is shaped by the magic I experienced during these "time between times". I am so grateful...Like all true journeys, it was plenty challenging -I have lovingly referred to it as "Modern Day Priestess Boot-in-the-ass-Camp"- it has been joyful, painful, extraordinary and worth every spectacular second! Here I have met my family. I have come home to Avalon..." - Valarie E., therapist, artist, Cleveland, Ohio

 "How does one truly thank someone for helping them remember who they are and what they are here to do? ...the answer is to step completely into my role as a Modern Day Priestess, standing tall in the truth of who I am..." - Melissa B., mother and Pilates instructor, Carlisle, PA


  "This message is for you.  It is from my heart and soul.  I simply said 'yes'.  To what, I had no idea.  In fact no one in my group had any idea.  We showed up for this Modern Day Priestess® experience based on 'trust' alone.  'Yes', it was as simple as that.  The experience changed me forever.  I know that I will never look at Mother Earth, my relationships or myself, the same way, ever again.  I am already more conscious of everything around me.  In this first session alone, I learned so much.  Among the many things, I learned about the power of effective breathing and how to listen to my heart. I learned to love and honor myself and to envision my true path, and trust in it.  By simply being "open", I was able to participate in the various exercises, and go home with tools that I can, and will, use. Not just for myself, but for others as well.  I feel more educated in so many ways, and I am truly interested in learning more.  I have only been home a couple of days, but I am already feeling and seeing the positive impact this is having on my family, my business and myself.  It's really very powerful. I am forever grateful to you Kate, for sharing space with us.  You are love itself.  You are far beyond words.  As for your 'yes', simply know, your message was received.  You have served us well.  We are here.  I am forever grateful to all those who participated, to the "very" special person who invited me, and to Nina for her heartfelt contribution and support.  I am excited about today.  I am excited about tomorrow.  I look forward to the next session." - Kim B ~ mother, business woman, Toronto, Canada

  My dearest Kate - How does one truly thank someone for helping them remember who they are and what they are here to do?  The answer is love; simply to spread the light and love that is manifested so beautifully as this wonderfully full woman known to all of us as Kate Rodger.  The answer is to step completely into my role as a Modern Day Priestess, standing tall in the truth of who I am and being a reflection of this incredible teacher, friend, goddess and soul mate who I am - one with as the Divine Spirit. I think the moment it finally clicked in with me was when you told us that you had absolute faith in us doing this work, because it was simply a matter of us remembering who we were, and what we already knew.  There's nothing for us to figure out in our heads, it's simply opening our hearts and trusting that the universe fully supports us when we're in our Dharma.  I thank you for all the homework assignments and training you have put together, enabling each of us to unlock the universal wisdom and guidance, and lighting the way for each of us to follow our own path. It is with complete gratitude to you that I know I will embrace and be an extension of the work you have been doing with such grace and ease.  I now am a beacon of light in my family and community, and will inspire others to rediscover what they are here to do. I release my full presence and commitment in being one with all.  I am so happy and proud to be a ripple in the pond, vibrating with the energy the Divine Spirit is.  The beauty I am is the beauty you are.  It is a full circle of love and ever revealing.  And so it is.. - Always love,  Melissa B., MDP, mother, Pilates instructor, Carlisle, PA  

  "I am so thankful and so grateful for all you have helped me remember on this journey.  I feel such a dramatic shift in my soul's joy as I remember the truth of who I am.  I recall with gratitude the first day we met in Tucson, and the very first session and the amazing, soul-freeing experience.  The MDP training has continued to build on this.  Thank you for choosing me to participate.  I have gained so many tools, learned such valuable lessons, made amazing friends, and grown tremendously.  I honor you for creating and holding space for me, for all of us in this first training, and for those yet to come.  What you're doing is so important and makes a huge difference.  You are truly a gifted healer and I'm in awe of how you radiate so beautifully, sitting on the floor in front of the altar in our sacred space at the trainings.  I love and honor you with every breath, as the fabric of who I am and my vibration has been elevated from knowing and learning from you.  This training has also been a lot of fun and all of us have shared so many great times laughing and being silly, allowing the little girl in all of us to come out and play.  We are redefining the female paradigm of honoring and "being with" one another only in love, which is also so very important. The best is surely yet to come! I bring the medicine of the Owl." -  Elizabeth R, MDP, owner of Kiss the Girls T-Shirt Co., Tucson, AZ

  How do I capture in words what this Training has meant to me?  Every moment and sacred breath of my life from now on is shaped by the magic I experienced during these "time between times". I am so grateful that the paths of our lives have crossed (creating quite a vortex I must say!); it has truly been a journey.  Like all true journeys, it was plenty challenging -I have lovingly referred to it as "Modern Day Priestess Boot-in-the-ass-Camp"- it has been joyful, painful, extraordinary and worth every spectacular second!  Here I have met my family.  I have come home to Avalon.  Found my Soul.  Sisters.  Priestesses.  And the Lady Kate, your humor, your honesty, your beauty, strength and love is an inspiration.  I admire you. I honor your walk and the walk of each woman; I am in such deep gratitude.  More and more each day I am living bliss and I say proudly: I am becoming the woman I always wanted to be, the woman I always knew I was.  Because of this training, I know Love, I know it as every Holy Woman in this training, I know it as the flow of everything and no-thing, and I know it as me. And so, as I ponder what else to say, I am led to an old Goddess Prayer, one I've said many times; and it dawns on me that our time together creating the temple of this Modern Mystery School has been like living this prayer.. Valarie E. - MDP, MWP, therapist, artist, Cleveland, Ohio    

  Kate, thank you for being the beacon of light that illuminated the path of Love for me.  Thank you for  truly "seeing" me. The training was exciting, illuminating, interesting, emotional, overwhelming (at times ~ how divine!), FUN, insightful, challenging, creative, resonant, beautiful, and valuable beyond comprehension. It has expanded and deepened all of my relationships and allowed me to view the world and myself with the vibration of love and oneness. I cannot imagine my life any other way. Trusting in the Silence. Living in the Mystery. Guided and driven by Love and Beauty. In alignment with the One.. And so It Is. ~ in Deepest gratitude, from my Heart ~ Annie T., MDP, MWP, CMT, Mom, Dancer, Fitness Trainer, Healer, Albuquerque, NM